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A digital copy of Transmuted issue 008!

Issue eight is eighty-four pages (cover to cover) of poems, artworks, zines, comics, stories, and more works by our incredible transgender, non-binary, and non-cisgender contributors! This issue features 6 artists, 1 zine, 1 comic, 14 poets, 4 short stories, and 3 articles - plus more art and poetry (spoilers). 


Thank you so much to anyone who participated, helped and supported us through these months of work, making yet another issue of Transmuted possible.

Big shoutout to the contributors of Issue 008:


- Dalton Harrison / @daltonjayharrison79

- Linn Schiffmann / @linnschiffmann

- Darren M Winter / @darrenmwinter

- Kai Wikely / @kai_in_the_ether

- Will Shoal / @shoalart

- Jay Astraeus / @astraeus.x

- Ayman Eckford / @ayman_eckford

- Fin Rose / @finrose_writespoetry

- Sam Wilhoit / @sammiewilhoit

- Pax Butchart / 

- Bean / @_beanslife_

- Zo / @zocowrites

- Ziggy DeBerry / @asapwurm

- Zee / @pressctrlzee

- RB / @rupkathabhattacharjee1

- Penny Pound / Zasha White) / @pennypounddrag

- Jake / @j4ke_ash_

- Gerard Segovia / @global_diplomat

- Elias Donstad / @elias_joel_writes

- Crow Rudd / @stuffpunxdo

- Malin Fox /

- Charlie / @corser_c_xoxo

- Eden Thomas / @eden.s.thomas

- Eka / @poetryghostmais

- Dorian Room / @dorians_room

- Flavio Picchi / @473f1_

- Vern Martin-Ivie / @vpackart

- Alex / @the.soda.boy

- Sieve Bonaiuti / @mohnwald


Cover art, illustration, and editing by Dorian Rose / @generefuccere

Issue 8 - Digital Copy

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